Forest villa inn, 9 private baths

Hanafubuki is located in approximately 15,537 square meter forest in the Izu Highlands, and has 3 dining rooms, 9 private hot springs, and 20 guest rooms.
We welcome you with dishes made with seasonal ingredients from Izu and a guest room overlooking the forest.


100%掛け流しの温泉を独り占めできる贅沢 誰に気兼ねすることなくゆっくり楽しめる貸切風呂。夏に温泉?と思いきや、夏こそ温泉。森の中で楽しむ露天風呂は、豊かな緑とさわやかで心地よい風に吹かれて温泉に入る楽しみを味わえる。 温泉と…

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