Forest villa inn, 9 private baths

Hanafubuki is located in approximately 15,537 square meter forest in the Izu Highlands, and has 3 dining rooms, 9 private hot springs, and 20 guest rooms.
We welcome you with dishes made with seasonal ingredients from Izu and a guest room overlooking the forest.


今年の秋はまるで駆け足のよう。酷暑の夏が過ぎたと思ったら、朝夕めっきり涼しくなったこの頃。鰯雲に燃えるような夕焼けが刻々と時を刻んでいく。ため息が出るほど美しい。 春先からステイホームや生活の変化で疲れた心と身体を癒したいと思うと、居ても立っ…

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